Promoting healthy relationships in Pennsylvania child custody

Going through a divorce can be a tiresome and challenging process, especially when the two parents have to make arrangements concerning child custody and support. In order to determine child custody agreements, the courts in Pennsylvania attempt to act in the best interests of the child. When parents seek to meet their children’s needs in this way, the process of creating this arrangement can go smoothly and quickly.

However, parents can also decide to use other tactics in an effort to negatively represent the other party. One parent may speak badly about the other or present the child with gifts and other rewards to create alienation between the child and the other parent. These tactics do not work in the best interests of the children and can cause unnecessary tension and stress. Child custody agreements can take a variety of forms but should always promote healthy relationships between the children and their parents.

In arrangements in which one parent has primary custody and the other has visitation, there are other factors that have to be considered, such as child support. Child support is typically based upon the income made by both parties, but this varies by state. This support may continue past the age of eighteen in the cases of college educations or special needs.

Determining whether one wants to work through a joint or shared custody arrangement or have one party with primary custody while the other has visitation rights can be challenging. Working with experienced legal counsel can help parents decide what is in the best interests of their children. Couples in Pennsylvania who are working through child custody arrangements have many resources available to assist with the process.

Source: The Huffington Post, “A Legal Overview of Child Custody and Support in Divorce Cases”, Brad Reid, June 24, 2015


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