When you split from your spouse later on in life, you may have different needs, financial and otherwise, than you would if you divorced during your younger years. You may not have any plans to reenter the workforce given your age, for example, or you may feel most...
Helping You Overcome Life’s
Month: July 2021
How can you improve your co-parenting plan?
If you have a co-parenting arrangement with your spouse, it may not always be easy. Working with an ex is difficult, by nature. According to Today's Parent, co-parenting tends to have longer-lasting positive results. Here are some tips on how to co-parent...
How social media can impact your divorce proceedings
These days there should be no expectation of privacy when it comes to the internet and social media. Even when you delete a post, it probably still exists in a data center somewhere. It is becoming more common for attorneys to use social media posts as evidence in...
How can you prove your ex has hidden assets?
As you divorce, alimony is likely one major factor that could direct your life in the aftermath. Your local court typically sets the amount you receive; however, your ex may decide to try and hide assets to prevent paying a higher amount each month. CNBC reports that...
What is parallel parenting?
Reinventing your life after divorce may be the most difficult aspect of the entire process. Particularly if you and your ex-spouse will raise children together after the divorce, managing the logistics might seem insurmountable. If you and your ex went through a very...
How to break the news of your divorce to acquaintances
When you decided to get divorced, you probably planned conversations with your children and close family members and knew that they would be the first to know. Now with those difficult conversations out of the way, you may wonder what other parties need or should know...