What do lawyers do when they are not working? We are a varied group, with varied interests. I have been a Taekwondo practitioner since 1994 and also Yu Shin Hap Gi Mu Ye, an evolved form of Hapkido involving open hand and certain weapon use. I have climbed at...
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Firm News
Dividing marital property in PA
Divorce can be a highly stressful time for anyone, given the uncertainties it brings to your life. This challenging time can become even more overwhelming once the financial aspects of the separation enter the picture. When a marriage ends in Pennsylvania, the...
Emphasize these benefits when you ask your partner for a prenup
Though prenuptial agreements have gotten a bad rap in the past, this is beginning to change. CNN Business reports that divorce lawyers have seen a 62% increase in prenup requests. Despite this, it can still be difficult to talk to your future spouse about your desire...
Will divorce impact your credit?
After your divorce has finally gone through and you have the finalized process behind you, you will likely want to move on. Buying a new house or a new car might top your to-do list, and you will likely need loans. To get a good loan, you need good credit....
3 Reasons baby boomers need prenups
There are many common misconceptions surrounding prenuptial agreements and who needs them. One such misconception is that prenuptial agreements are only for celebrities or the extremely wealthy. Another such misconception is that prenups are not important for second...
How are inherited assets dealt with in a divorce?
During your marriage, you may have experienced a windfall after a relative’s passing. No matter what assets they left you, you will want to protect them as you and your spouse split up. Yet, your spouse may try staking a claim to them. In most cases, though, any...