When you have children, one of the biggest struggles after a divorce is balancing your finances. When you are co-parenting, you have to make sure the two of you agree on how much each of you spends.
CNBC claims that about 40% to 50% of married couples divorce. In this population, some parents have figured out how to stay on the same financial page.
Remember to communicate
Communication can be difficult after a divorce. You need to have a system where the two of you can communicate. If you cannot have verbal communication, you can speak through email or text. Every month, you two should talk about finances and budgeting.
Have everything in writing
Your divorce agreement should include every detail about your financial plan. If you become confused or if you have a disagreement about what expenses you need to pick up, you can refer to your divorce decree. You can break your decree down into different cost responsibilities. These costs should include education, extra-curricular activities and education.
Use technology to handle finances
Technology can make your life a lot more convenient, even when it comes to balancing your finances. Coparents can use web solutions or mobile apps to communicate, to deposit money, to upload receipts and more.
There are a lot of opportunities for miscommunication when you co-parent. When you a digital option, there is no room for miscommunication. You both know which items you should pay for and you know how much the other spent.
Coparenting requires parents to have regular communication for the sake of their children. The best way to handle finances is by leaving a paper trail.