When a marriage in Pennsylvania begins to hit rocky waters, financial secrets can begin to grow. Some of these hidden finances can be especially troubling during a divorce, where they may originate as an attempt to deny a spouse his or her fair share of marital property. While many people are able to end their marriages without recriminations or schemes, it is important for individuals going through a more high-conflict divorce to be aware of red flags that could point to hidden funds or other financial secrets.
When one spouse’s spending habits suddenly change, this could point to someone squirreling money away in a hidden account. It could simply point to new hobbies, but it can also be an indication of an extramarital relationship. Affairs can be costly, involving dinners out, hotel rooms or gifts. Some people may rent a second apartment or otherwise take on large expenses when conducting a secondary relationship. These kinds of financial changes can indicate a number of troubling problems that could indicate the end of a marriage.
In addition, when a person refuses to let his or her spouse see the bank accounts, this could indicate various problems. All of them are generally significant and could include hidden money for a potential divorce; undisclosed debts or gambling problems; or even, again, an affair. While being given an allowance may feel worry-free, it could indicate troubling secrecy that could be costly in a divorce. Other concerning indications could include repeated transfers across multiple accounts or the use of new, privately held corporate accounts to funnel money without a legitimate reason.
Finances can be one of the most important factors in a divorce settlement. A family law attorney can help a divorcing spouse uncover hidden finances and achieve a fair outcome on matters like spousal support and property division.